Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Today we heard from Oran Park. Our land release has gone to Land Titles Office, and we ought to be ready to get the ball rolling in about two weeks when the land is registered. :)

Now to meet with our mortgage broker and go over the banks requirements. Make sure we can still afford this thing :P

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Are we about to register?

I think we are!
Word on the street is the section73 certificate came through early in the week, and everything went off to council so they can say 'heck yes these guys can start building!'. At least, I am hoping that's more or less what they say!!

We got an email from our builder earlier this week asking if we had heard from the developer. Someone else in our estate mentioned to our CSO that we would not be registered until June or July. This was a massive "WTF!?" moment for us as, on Monday we were in touch with a Greenfields director, salesman and receptionist who are really on the ball with everything. They advised that we were a few weeks away. Stephen was actually in the area earlier in the week and confirmed again that this is still correct. What we think and hope might be the case, is that our CSO spoke to someone who bought in the same stage, but a different release in our stage (due to register mid 2014). Her manager is following up now. Hopefully we'll get an answer in the next couple of days. Either way, I am glad our CSO is keeping an eye on whats going on in our area. She has been very helpful along the way.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

In Camden...

There isn't much going on for us at the moment, so for anyone following the blog who is interested in the local area, there are a couple of things I thought I would mention.

I mentioned Downes in an earlier post. We finally went there over the Easter weekend and came away with 32 plants for about $160.00. For example, 5 of those plants (Lilly Pilly) would cost close to $20 each at a popular Sydney nursery. We got these plants for $6.50 from Downes, in 200mm pots. Like almost every other plant we've bought, we have bought a larger plastic pot to transfer them into, as some plants came to us a little root-bound.

You drive into Downes and nothing is labelled other than the large beds, so if you don't have a clue what you're looking for, you could be in for some fun ;) The guys in the office can give you a map and mark up the basic area where your chosen plants are located. We happened to visit on a very busy day so had to fend for ourselves, but you may be luckier. Regardless, 32 plants for $160.00!? You can't go wrong.

This store is great. These days it seems many homewares stores sell similar items. Splendour has a wide range of unique homewares to suit a variety of tastes. Their website is linked in the title, but you can check out their facebook page here. There are some items that are on the expensive side (decorative glass pieces at $600 for example) but there are many bargains to be found. (Heimlich, if you are reading this, I hold you solely responsible for the money we spent on the clock today, and whatever is spent in future!) Today we bought the biggest clock I've ever seen for our dining area. Splendour are located on Argyle Street, Camden, just opposite McDonalds. Turn left into their carpark just before the roundabout, before you go past the store. Very helpful sales staff! Let's hope we don't spend all our money here before I get a chance to go to Matt Blatt!!!

As for Oran Park, Stage 5B went on sale today. After one hour, they had sold (or taken deposits for) 21 lots. Not too shabby.