Thursday, 27 March 2014

We have a backyard!

So the job with the builder seems to be going well. I'm still learning exactly what goes on behind the scenes but it's nice to be able to help people and make them feel more involved in the process. The less worry, the better it is for everyone. Everyone in my team has been really helpful. Hopefully I will be there for some time if the morale and enjoyment continues like this. I guess it's still the honeymoon phase for me :)

On our block, we have completed the fence and gates. We've also turfed the backyard - completed that on Saturday. If any of you are local you will know that it has been bucketing down since Monday with no end in sight. A little too much rain for my liking! We had a big area of the front yard under water twice this week. 4m x 8m. We had to pull apart one of our drainage pipes to get the water level down as it was soaking into the grass and waterlogging it. We already have some minor issues with waterlogging but for the most part it all looks ok. We REALLY need some sunshine, or at the very least warmth to dry out the grass a little.

Brett the Bobcat Man had a couple of extra tonnes of soil he needed to get rid of the other he dropped it off to us for nothing! So stoked! We also got extra turf from Cobbitty Turf Farm, though I initially was quite cranky as there was a miscommunication which led to our turf being delivered at 11am rather than 8am. It really sucked to be shovelling soil and playing with turf in the hottest time of the day. Plus a trip to the nursery was needed. YES another one! We have bought about 21 photinia. I am convinced our dog will destroy these when she comes to live with us. I have attached a couple of before and after shots, our front yard water feature, and a cute little white lizard who has been spending some time in our alfresco recently. Waterlogged? Albino (that can't be good for a cold blooded(?) animal?)? Chameleon!?!


  1. It's looking great Cody, Lizard big no no for my kids and specially my wife. If she was in my alfresco there would have been like a battle field by now . hahaha kids and wife are so scared of them. We had our PCI Thursday. At the end Paul was little pushy. Garage slab was in terrible conditions. Looking forward for the settlement on 10th of April

  2. Thanks Hassan! Haha I was so excited when I saw the lizard. I'm vegan and (kinda related!) I love all animals. I have never seen a lizard like this before. I wish the spiders would stay outside - found three but I have caught them all and put them in the garden. I understand people getting creeped out by the spiders and lizards though!

    Sorry to hear he got a little pushy. Ours was over with pretty quickly and honestly I dont think yours took so long. I have heard of people taking many hours longer! Thats really exciting that settlement is so close! Are you guys planning to move in right away?
